These large landscaper plants allow you to enjoy large blooms in the first year. All the Hosta we offer, arrive growing in large nine inch deep landscaper plugs, usually with several buds and are vegetatively propagated from healthy, vigorous, flowering mother stock, grown right here in our nursery. This means, you receive an exact clone, true in form and won’t have to wait four to five years to enjoy the beautiful blooms, as is often the case with most mail-order, dried out, loose divisions or tissue culture plants. Truly a better Hosta!
The growth rate, bloom quantity, color and size of Spilt Milk will vary greatly depending on soil type, sunlight, temperature and other factors. A few leaves are often trimmed prior to shipping to reduce transpiration and travel stress.
Zone 3b-9a
Zone 3a-8
Rich Moist
2x2x9″ Deep
One Plant
When you receive your new Hosta, there is no need to worry about planting right away. Your new plant can be stored for a while by simply placing it in a bucket with about a half inch of water and moving it to a shady location, simply keep moist. This will give you plenty of time to select the ideal location for your new Hosta.
Before leaving, Hosta are inspected, watered, and pruned. Larger plants, generally those that ship in 8″ pots, will be topped to 36″ or 48″ overall, depending on the variety, if necessary, to facilitate shipping. Your new plants’ pot is then bagged to ensure that the soil stays in the pot and not loose in the box. Plants are tissue or kraft paper wrapped and generally secured in place with natural biodegradable peanuts.